From the developer that brought to you the Click to chat app (originally known as Open in WhatsApp) here comes the web version, as simple as possible.
No cookies, no ads, not even options, but only the click to chat feature! (although it does use GoatCounter for privacy-friendly web analytics).
Will probably update it if enough interest (or you can suggest changes, GitHub link below).

Click to chat

This web uses WhatsApp public API to open a chat with any number you enter (you and that number).
Usage: Insert the number and the prefix with no extra characters, only numbers 0–9. More info here.
Example: for +44 (UK) 123 456 7890 write 44 1234567890


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Made by TrianguloY. (V 1.8.1). This page is not affiliated with WhatsApp Inc.

The source code is available on GitHub.
- Uses the Material Design Lite library for a cleaner look.
- The prefix and toggled-title are kept local-only on your browser using localStorage.
Press here if you want to clear the local storage.
- Uses also GoatCounter to check how popular this page is.